Glock 17 Gen 3 9mm Full FDE Flat Dark Earth in Duluth, Minnesota For Sale
Price: $350
Type: Sport,
For Sale
- Private.
Manufacturer: Glock
Model: 17
Caliber: 9mm Luger (9x19 Para)
Glock G17 Standard 9mm 4.49" 17+1 Fixed Sights Poly Grip/Frame FULL FDE
Designed for professionals, Glock's G17 is the most widely used law
enforcement pistol worldwide. It is trusted by law enforcement officers
around the globe due to its unsurpassed reliability, above-average magazine
capacity (17 rounds in the standard magazine), and low weight. With the
revolutionary "Safe Action" trigger system, the G17 is safe, easy, and
quick - just what one needs in high-pressure situations.
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