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? __________ Pro Interiors/ Location/ Products Commercial Photography & Video in Duluth, Minnesota For Sale

Type: Creative, For Sale - Private.

? Pro Interiors/ Location Commercial Photography
Professional video also available
? Teaser Musical Promotional Video to the right ?
Video samples at the YouTube Channel:
How To Hire A Photographer...
Hire A Professional Photographer
A Professional Commercial Photographer is a person who has chosen to make a career out of business/corporate photography. . . as opposed to someone who just purchased a camera or got laid-off from another job and decided to charge for taking "snap shots". A commercial photographer knows how to make corporate images that sell a company or product. . . not simply a wedding photographer who knows how to get a sharp picture of a widget.
A professional is a person with special talents and abilities who can bring added value to the finished photographs. It is true now; anyone can take a picture, but the right professional can improve images with lighting, equipment, experience, technique and artistic talent. Career experience creates unique expertise. A career photographer will be able to anticipate problems before they exist and communicate solutions to even the most complex situations and questions.
Professionalism is an important attribute of a professional. Being professional means being on time, following through and always working in the customer's long term best interests.
Why Hire A Professional
Commercial Photographer?
A lot of planning and cost goes into starting and promoting a successful business; it can be tempting to skimp on photography but the choice of using a professional can be investment that pays for itself many times over.
Ours is a visual culture. People scan rather than read. In a split second a viewer can click on an icon, like or dislike, stay-or-go. In this age of constantly changing technology, you have only a moment to make a new friend. Prospective customers want a positive first impression of your business. If you cut corners on photography, your painstaking and expensive marketing effort may go unnoticed.
We exist in a multimedia world. Things happen fast, really fast. You want to meet the needs of bloggers, magazines, television, online video, customer review sites, the list is never ending. With a click of the mouse you can supply any outlet with everything they need, anywhere in the world. Turn your online buzz into a powerful, low cost visual marketing tool.
How To Choose A Commercial Photographer
& Why You Should Choose Minneapolis Photography
Digital Technology -- Film is gone; proven by the fact that they are no longer even manufacturing most types film.
Professionally Trained -- it is hard to find but it is very beneficial to hire a professional who has a degree in what they are doing. Popular Photography Magazine can only teach so much.
Expert Equipment -- Size does matter. Pros use full size image sensor cameras with a high mega-pixel count for higher clarity and better image quality. They shoot with professional grade lenses matched to the camera they shoot with. (Canon L Series Professional lenses on Pro Grade Canon cameras).
Talent -- Artistic eye or a creative mind isn't something that can be taught at a school. Successful clients rely on creative problem solvers to resolve even problems or opportunities that the client hadn't even considered.
A Lifelong Career -- A proven and valuable professional has been learning, improving and growing through a long-term career. Photographer "wanna-be's" can make mistakes at your expense.
A Strong Portfolio -- Look at a photographer's samples of real assignments. Most amateurs can spend large amounts of time to create a nice image, but you want a professional who can make a lot of great images in the real world of time limits and pressures.
Image Enhancement -- Very few images look their best without digital processing. A serious photographer would never send out images which haven't been prepared to make their clients look their very best. It is import to hire a photographer who knows how to manage files and digitally manipulate them to present the proper message.
Minneapolis Photography provides professional high quality digital photography at reasonable rates. This is a source you can rely upon for memorable images and professional work ethics that get money making results for you. Call now to develop a professional relationship.
Call A Real Pro
Byron Ritter
Client projects have included:
Airline public relations and destination images, location photography, architectural photography,
product photography, corporate promotional events, and people photography, executive portraits or corporate candid photos.
Minneapolis Photography can accommodate your needs with the highest level of quality, creativity, and professionalism.

State: Minnesota  City: Duluth  Category: Creative
Creative in Minnesota for sale

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