Immediate energy savings guaranteed- Green energy in Duluth, Minnesota For Sale
Type: Art & Antiques, For Sale - Private.
If you own your home AND have an attic ladder or hatch, your home is leaking 35% of its energy through the attic. This is the largest energy leak in the average single family home. AtticZipper is a BPI auditor tested device that will stop the draft/ energy leak into your attic at its largest source, your attic ladder. This product is being installed by Insulation contractors/ HVAC contractors and energy auditors across the country, you can install it yourself if you have a caulk gun and a staple gun and save the $150-200 installation fee. If you are a contractor you should sign up to become an approved installer and get leads from us of people who are not DIY saavy and want professional installation by going here: Here is a youtube installation video:
Look at the photos friends.. Attic zipper completely stops this energy waste from your home. It will save you money starting immediately..
Art & Antiques in Minnesota for sale
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